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Parent Rules of Conduct


Please read thoroughly

The following rules of conduct will be discussed in depth by the visitation monitor during the intake interview:


1. The following must be FOLLOWED:

a. The monitor will be present at all times during the visit.

b. The custodial parent will arrive fifteen (15) minutes prior to the start of the scheduled exchange and return exactly at the end of the scheduled exchange. The custodial parent and/or designees will be required to leave the area immediately upon dropping off child(ren) and picking up child(ren).

c. The non-custodial parent will arrive at the exact hour of the scheduled exchange and will return fifteen (15) minutes prior to the end of the scheduled exchange.

d. Fees for services must be paid in full, in-cash or card, prior to each visit. No refunds.

e. The visiting parent must arrive promptly at the scheduled time. f. If a parent or designee is more than 5 minutes early or late, he/she will pay $2.00 for each additional minute.

g. Use of alcohol, marijuana, or non-prescribed drugs during a visitation is prohibited.


2. The following must be AVOIDED:

a. Inappropriate touching of the child(ren)'s body

b. Inappropriate demands for physical contact

c. Use of foul language

d. Shouting or yelling at ANYONE

e. Threat of physical abuse or violence to ANYONE

f. Attempts to move child(ren) away from the sight and/or hearing range of the monitor


3. Parents and/or designees must avoid each other completely.


4. There will be no correspondence or messages to the other parent by means of child(ren), monitor, etc. It is prohibited to use the visitation, scheduled exchange site or surrounding areas for the service of court documents.


5. Monitors will only exchange information in regards to the child(ren)’s medical needs (i.e. medications, dietary needs) or visitations. Only prescription medication may be sent in pre-measured doses. Any other dietary (food) requests are not monitored or enforced. Custodial and visiting parties are responsible to meet the care needs while children are in each individual’s care, e.g. diaper changing, feeding etc.

*Sexual Abuse (SA) cases are exempt from diaper changing.


6. Non-custodial Parent must not share detailed court information or court documents with the child(ren) or make promises to the child(ren) about future living arrangements, time sharing, or visitation modifications. Discussions and activities should focus on the present so as to avoid added pressure and/or disappointment of the child(ren).


7. Parents will not speak negatively or make disparaging comments about the child(ren)’s other parent and his/her family in front of the child(ren).


8. Parents must not question the child(ren) about the other parent’s whereabouts or activities.


9. Parents will not use alcohol, marijuana, or non-prescribed drugs 24 hours prior to or during their visit with the child(ren). Visits will be canceled if a parent is suspected of using these substances.


10. Parents and children must speak English during the supervised visit unless there is a monitor present who speaks the family’s native language. Parents must speak loud enough for monitor to hear. No whispering.


11. Phone calls to other individuals are not permitted at anytime during the supervised visit. The use of cellular phones is not permitted during the scheduled visit unless in case of emergencies only.


12. Weapons or any articles that could be used as weapons are not permitted on the supervised visit.


13. Family members and friends authorized by the court to participate in the visitation that do not comply with the monitors guidelines and rules will result in the cancellation of the supervised visitation.


14. The visiting parent may bring a snack for the child(ren). All snacks must be prepackaged by the manufacturer.


15. No gifts for the child(ren) are permitted, with the exception of the child(ren)’s birthday(s), Christmas, Hanukkah other holidays at which gifts are usually given.


16. If for any reason you are unable to bring the child(ren) or attend the visit with your child(ren), it is your responsibility to notify the agency and the other parent. In the event of adult parties not having access to each other’s telephone numbers, the monitor will confirm cancellations. Both parents must confirm mutually agreed upon cancellations with the monitor. If notice is less than 24 hours before the visits, the parent making the cancellation is responsible for paying the visit fee for that day.


18. Failure of the visiting parent to arrive within 15 minutes of your designated time of arrival without calling to let us know that you will be running late, will result in cancellation. You will be responsible for paying the appropriate fee and children will be returned to the custodial party.


19. Except for late cancellation or inability to arrive on time, all calls are to be placed to the monitor during office hours, Monday to Friday,11:00 am to 7:00pm.


20. Photographs may be taken during visits with the prior approval of agency, the child(ren), and the custodial parent. The custodial party must sign a consent form prior to photographs being taken. Photographs should not be taken of monitors, or any participant at any time. No audio or visual recording is permitted for any reason.


21. There are to be no changes in the supervised visitation schedule unless approved by the court and/or monitor. Once the day and time has been set, it will be followed on a weekly basis, unless either party requests a change. Changes in the schedule need to be done one week prior to visitation.


22. There shall be no permanent alteration of the child(ren) during visitation without prior approval of the custodial parent.This includes, but not limited to: haircuts, tattoos, body/ear piercing, etc.


23. Non-compliance with any guideline or challenging the supervised monitor may lead to termination of services.

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